
Committees and Governance

CPSM Council is responsible for the overall governance of the College.  Many of Council’s responsibilities are delegated to specific Committees. In addition, The Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA) mandates that certain Committees perform certain functions. Detailed descriptions of Council and Committee structure, including the Terms of Reference for each Committee, can be found below.

Committees of Council 

The RHPA requires that Council establish certain Committees. The Affairs of the College Bylaw (Part F) provides detailed information regarding Committees of Council and their Subcommittees, including the appointment of registrants and procedural issues such as quorum and rights of appeal from decisions made.

Committees of Council operate independently of the Registrar and the operational organization of the College which reports to the Registrar. The Committees receive administrative support from the operational organization of the College.

The Committees of Council detailed information regarding each Committee, including the terms of reference established for it by Council can be found in the College’s Governance Policy.

The Committees of Council are:
Executive Committee
Audit and Risk Management Committee
Complaints Committee
Investigation Committee
Inquiry Committee
Central Standards Committee and its subcommittees
Program Review Committee